速報APP / 工具 / Sender File Transfer & Share

Sender File Transfer & Share





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本


Sender File Transfer & Share(圖1)-速報App

Manage your files efficiently and easily with Sender - File Transfer & Share!

Sender Transfer all filles whether its a big file or small on and helps you handle all your files whether they are stored in your device's main storage or microSD card.

Key Features of Sender - File Share & Transfer

*share all categories

- any file transfer: apk, video, audio,music,pictures...

*xchange data

- allows you to send photo, exchange videos, transfer music, send files, share app apk with a simple and quick send.

Sender File Transfer & Share(圖2)-速報App

*fast sending and downloading

- No need for file transfer via usb, Sender is whey more quicker with an limited delivering and downloading speed

*Global search

- Search in all folders and files of the device.

*Secure file transfer & share

- It uses WiFi direct or WiFi hotspot to transfer files b/w devices. It actually creates a server of files i.e. your device and the network i.e. WiFi hotspot or direct. And since there is no data connection required it uses the max speed of your WiFi.

*transfer content

Sender File Transfer & Share(圖3)-速報App

-You can share files from phone to computer, or from phone to phone, to a new phone... All with a high speed transfer.

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